🌳 #EarthDay awesomeness! #ReasonsToBeOptimistic

{Originally posted on LinkedIn}

Happy Earth Day! It’s a day to reflect on the state of our planet, but this year, let’s also celebrate the incredible work being done to protect it. Here are just a few reasons to be optimistic:

  • Carma is on a mission to make social and environmental impact simple and affordable, creating jobs and planting trees. A certified B-Corp and a company rooted in the principles of genuine environmental change and human well-being, dedicated to creating a sustainable future for all.
  • LDN Apprenticeships is training the next generation of corporate responsibility and sustainability leaders. The certified B-Corp is helping apprentices learn to act as the social conscience for an organisation, helping them to innovate and drive ambitions for social and environmental change.
  • Sea Rangers is empowering coastal communities to become guardians of their oceans. By providing training and resources, Sea Rangers equips these communities to tackle challenges like illegal fishing and marine pollution.
  • Energy Garden is leading the way in renewable energy for community benefit. The Energy Garden Community Benefit Society has 500 members who have raised more than £1 million for solar development so far. Revenues from the sale of solar fund staff who support community groups to access disused railway spaces and turn them into thriving gardens. They also use the revenues to run school workshops, and a paid, certified Youth Training Programme for 18-24 year-olds in London.
  • Seabound is developing ocean-ready carbon capture. Shipowners face mounting pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from new global regulations, customers, and shareholders, but have limited viable options. Future fuels are decades away, efficiency solutions insufficient, and slow steaming just pushes off the inevitable. Seabound’s onboard carbon capture system is proven and ready today. Shipping drives 90% of the world’s economy. Shipowners who want to capture a competitive edge and lead the industry’s decarbonization now have an ocean-ready option with Seabound.

These are just a few examples of the amazing organisations working tirelessly to protect our planet. But we all have a role to play.

The world is facing a climate crisis. The Earth’s temperature is rising, leading to more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and mass extinctions. We’re already seeing the devastating consequences of inaction, and they’re only going to get worse if we don’t act now.

This Earth Day, let’s join forces and support organisations like these that are giving us a reason to be optimistic. Together, we can make a difference.

Here are some ways you can help:

  • Donate your time or money to environmental organisations.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint by driving less, using less energy, and consuming less.
  • Spread awareness about the importance of environmental protection.
  • Support businesses committed to sustainability.

By working together, we can create a healthier planet for ourselves and future generations. Let’s celebrate Earth Day by taking action!

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